Jen Zhu

Innovator + Programmer



I bring ideas to life.

I'm a programmer with a penchant for all things technology. Front end development, back end development, object oriented programming - you name it, I'd love to work on it! Building, debugging and improving code is the best way to grow as a programmer.

Efficiency is key. I'm all about writing clean and comprehensive code with low time complexitiy. I hold a strong background in object-oriented programming which I've used as a foundation for my venture into web development. My latest project focuses on the full stack - incorporating responsive design and mobile first methodologies.

Currently pursuing a Computer Science major at Smith College and planning to graduate May 2018. In my free time, I mentor novice developers at Codecademy and tinker with hardware on campus as a technology consultant.

If you find me away from tech, I'm usually fawning over red pandas, experimenting with recipes in the kitchen or delving into crime fiction.

Want to get in touch? Make my day by sending me a message!




April 2016 - Present


Mentors roughly 300 people worldwide weekly in 1:1 sessions covering Python, Java, JavaScript, ReactJS, JQuery, PHP, HTML5, CSS3 and general industry questions.

  • Assist clients in defining goals, clarifying programming concepts, debugging code and offering additional resources
  • Works in a rotating group of <10 advisors each 2-4 hour shift to maximize response time and escalate problems to appropriate leadership


April 2016

Co-Founder, Full Stack Developer

Can you KuK? KuK is a recipe website catered towards managing dietary restrictions for people on the go. Highlighted features are the browse, search, calendar, profile, favorites and instant mode.

  • Built product in under 4 months - won 1st place in class competition with over 70 students
  • Worked with ReactJS, HTML5/CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Git, AJAX, XML, HTTP for front end and back end development
  • Developed the Instant Mode page, which allows users to search for recipes based on the ingredients in their fridge

January 2016

Co-Founder, Full Stack Developer is "Tinder" for friendships. We connect people based on similar interests and recommend fun local activities for them to do. We use Google APIs and have developed a proprietary predictive recommendation and matching algorithm.

  • Built MVP in <24 hours during Hack@Smith hackathon; Won Best Google API Hack
  • Worked on UI (HTML, CSS, Jinja2, Javascript) and back end database creation (JQuery, AJAX, Google Datastore, Python)
  • Currently developing locational services and messaging system

Smith College

September 2015 - Present

On-Call Technology Consultant

Currently serves as a part-time campus-wide technology consultant for Smith's professors. Conducts weekly "tech health" check-ins on 30+ classrooms, works in consultant pairs to address any on-call emergencies and educates professors on campus technology infrastructure.

  • "Tech health" classroom check-ins include examining computer operating performance, re-calibrating projectors and Extron machines, and adjusting AV systems
  • Built strong, interdepartmental relationships to rapidly escalate and solve emergencies
  • Provides ongoing education to professors on best practices, even if in a tense or high-stress situation

Want to see more of my work?

Download My Résumé

Check Out My Github